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Capcom Buys Tenchu Developer

Capcom has purchased K2 Studios, the developers behind Valhalla Knights and Tenchu Z.

This move doesn’t really come as a surprise, as K2 has previously put down quite a bit of work on the successful Lost Planet series. Capcom hopes this will make the company’s “game development acitivies more efficient and speedy.”

The board of directors of Capcom Co., Ltd. approved a resolution today to conduct an exchange of stock on May 1, 2008 to make K2 Co., Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary

1. Purpose of exchange of stock
Upgrading development activities, which is the core competence of Capcom, is essential to the successful execution of the company’s growth strategy. K2 has a proven record as a reliable provider of game development services for Capcom. By making this company a wholly owned subsidiary, Capcom plans to make its game development activities more efficient and speedy. Capcom also believes that pursuing a business strategy based on closer ties with K2 will help increase the value of the entire Capcom Group.

Via Capcom