For those of you Penny Arcade readers slavering at the mouth to get your hands on this game, the wait is almost over as they have announced their release date for both the XBLA and PC. Here is a snippet of the article from Ars Technica:
The Penny Arcade game has been a long time coming, but now we know when we’ll get a chance to play it: both the Xbox Live version of the game and the PC/Linux/OS X version will be released next Wednesday, May 21. The game will cost 1600 Microsoft points, or $19.95. Play time is estimated at between six and ten hours, and the title is rated Mature.
The official description of the game: “Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One is an RPG-Adventure game set in the deranged 1920s universe of New Arcadia, delivered to gamers via accessible episodic releases. Players join Gabe and Tycho, the crime-solving team of the Startling Developments Detective Agency, to combat savage enemies and solve mysteries hidden deep in the sinister heart of New Arcadia. The game is the result of close collaboration between Hothead Games and Penny Arcade, featuring distinct artwork and characters designed exclusively by Mike ‘Gabe’ Krahulik, story and dialogue by Jerry ‘Tycho’ Holkins, both brought to life by the Hothead team.”
We saw the game at last year’s PAX and came away very impressed with both the art and the humorous writing; this is a game that Penny Arcade fans are sure to enjoy. It’s also the first Greenhouse release, Greenhouse being the indie games portal that Penny Arcade developed with Hothead Games to help distribute independent titles to a wider audience. For a first title, they could do much worse.
We’re looking forward to playing this, and expect a review in the near future.